Oracle Forms Versions

Oracle Forms Versions

IAF 2 Character No IDE
FastForms+IAG 4 Character
SQL*Forms 2 5 Character
SQL*Forms 2.3 5 Character New IDE, No PLSQL, User Exits, INP ASCII File, FRM Runtime File
SQL*Forms 3 6 Character Major Rewrite, New IDE, PLSQL, X Support, Generate code to enforce constraints
Oracle Forms 4.0 6-7 GUI / Character Major Rewrite, New IDE, FMB source binary file, FMX Runtime, optimized for Client-Server. New interface is slow, buggy and not popular with client base.
Oracle Forms 4.5 7 GUI / Character Major Rewrite, New IDE based on Object Navigator & Property Sheets. Good release, fast, popular with client base. Oracle wanted customers to upgrade from v4 quickly because v4 was very buggy and Oracle was contracted to support v4 for a period of time for some large, important customers. So, Oracle named this release 4.5 (rather than 5) which allowed Oracle to claim continued support for v4. This allowed some customers who were locked into v4 for the life of their project to upgrade from v4 to v4.5 by claiming that this was a patch release even though it was clearly a major release.
Oracle Forms 5 7 GUI / Character
Oracle Forms 6 8 GUI / Character Forms Server / Web Forms introduced. Client-Server still available and used by most clients. Forms Server mode is slow, buggy and uses a lot of memory per session.
Oracle Forms 6i 8 GUI / Character
Oracle Forms 9i (*2) 9i GUI Client-Server runtime removed leaving Forms Server (Web Interface) as only runtime option. Major Changes at the Server Level, more effective communication between user browser and the server.
Oracle Forms 10g 10g GUI This is a Forms 9 release ( Renamed externally to indicate support for 10g database. Menu-Help-About displays v9. Not forward compatible with 10gr2 (can't open 10gr2 forms in 10g/904)
Oracle Forms 10gR2 10gR2 GUI version - registry home key moved. Max NUMBER length reduced from 40 to 38
Oracle Forms 11g 11g GUI External Events, JavaScript [1]
Oracle Forms 11gR2 11gR2 GUI Oracle Access Manager Integration, Performance and Monitoring, Real User Experience Interaction [2]

(*1) Each version of Oracle Forms can connect to numerous versions of the ORACLE database and is sold and released separately from the ORACLE Database. Oracle Forms is generally forward and backward compatible with the Oracle database - for example: Oracle Forms 9 can connect to at least Oracle 8,9, 10 and 11. The database versions listed here are the primary version that was available at the time of the Form release

(*2) Oracle products have historically followed their own release-numbering and naming conventions. This changed with Oracle RDBMS 9i release when Oracle Corporation started to standardizing Oracle Forms (and Reports and Developer) to use the same major version number as the database. This explains the jump in Oracle Forms versions from 6i to 9i (there was no v7 or v8)

How to check current "Oracle Forms Version"

- Login to the application
- Navigate to Help > About Oracle Applications

Oracle Forms Versions
