【源码】Timbre Modeler:基于小波的时频信号分解与重构

【源码】Timbre Modeler:基于小波的时频信号分解与重构


For function call

[yo,afz,t,G,tg] = waveletmodel(yi,Fs,fh,ff,fd,ffl)

Define input:

yi - 采样的音乐信号sampled musical sound, row vector

Fs - yi的采样率sample rate of yi (samples/sec)

fh - 小波形状的Hermite基系数Hermite basis coefficients for wavelet shape, row vector (if unsure set fh=1).

ff - 音乐声音的基频fundamental frequency of musical sound (cycles/sec)

fd - 频域滤波器带宽frequency domain filter bandwidth

ffl - 小波滤波器谐振频率集set of wavelet filter resonant frequencies, ff normalized row vector

Define output:

yo - 滤波后输出的声音filtered output sound, row vector

afz - 堆叠振幅轮廓模型stacked amplitude contour model

t - 时间向量time vector for yo and afz

G - 高斯小波滤波器Gaussian wavelet filter

tg - time vector for G


Example: Filter an A3 (220Hz) piano note using 30 harmonics with bandwidths of 330Hz. Reconstruct a smoothed output signal with a standard Gaussian wavelet. Next reconstruct a transient output signal by first decomposing the input by the smoothed output then repeating a filtering process. This time, simply use the 1st Hermite wavelet.


%% get sampled musical audio

yi = audioread(‘a3-piano.wav’)’; Fs=44100;

%% specify hermite filter structure, fundamental frequency,

%% frequency set and bandwidth

fh=[1]; ff = 220; ffl = (1:30); fd = 1.5*ff;

%% generate model for standard gaussian wavelet

[yo1,afz1,t,G1,tg] = waveletmodel(yi,Fs,fh,ff,fd,ffl);

%% plot smooth model in first figure and play sound




%% specify wavelet shape as the 1st hermite wavelet

fh = [0 1];

%% subtract output from input then refilter with 1st order wavelet

[yo2,afz2,,G2,] = waveletmodel(yi-yo1,Fs,fh,ff,fd,ffl);

%% plot 1st order transience model in next figure and play sound





[1] Hermite Transform and wavelets - https://qr.ae/pNrYxL

[2] more on wavelets https://qr.ae/pNrJJ9

[3] wavelet filter algorithm https://qr.ae/TxQMDl

[4] modeled timbre gallery - https://qr.ae/pNrPEd

[5] Gaussian Fourier transform and bandwidth interpretations https://qr.ae/pXR35y

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