git 允许推送_是否允许其他人使用我的推文?

git 允许推送_是否允许其他人使用我的推文?

git 允许推送

git 允许推送_是否允许其他人使用我的推文?

As long as you haven’t made your Twitter account private, every thought you broadcast can be seen by anyone in the world. However, any words or photos you Tweet, as long as they are original, are yours and, except in specific circumstances, can’t be used without your permission. So what can other people do with your Tweets? Can anyone take your Tweet and publish it on their website?

只要您尚未将Twitter帐户设为私有,世界上任何人都可以看到您广播的所有想法。 但是,您发布的任何文字或照片,只要是原创的,都是您的,除非在特定情况下,未经您的许可不得使用。 那么其他人可以如何处理您的推文? 谁能接受您的Tweet并将其发布在他们的网站上?

您保留版权(但这不是全部) (You Retain Copyright (But That’s Not the Whole Story))

There are two things in play here: copyright law and Twitter’s Terms of Service.


Copyright law is pretty clear: the text of your Tweets is yours. There are some Fair Use arguments, such as newsworthiness or commentary, that would allow someone to copy and paste the text contents of your Tweet and post it elsewhere, but for the most part, they can’t. The ideas in your Tweets, however, aren’t covered by copyright. Only the exact wording. As the New York Times reports, a Hollywood movie studio can take your idea and turn it into a film starring Rihanna.

版权法非常明确:您的推文文字是您的。 有一些合理使用的论据,例如新闻价值或评论,它允许某人复制并粘贴您的Tweet的文本内容,并将其发布到其他位置,但是在大多数情况下,它们不能这样做。 但是,您的推文中的想法不受版权保护。 只有确切的措辞。 正如《纽约时报》报道的那样,好莱坞电影制片厂可以将您的想法变成一部由蕾哈娜(Rihanna)主演的电影。

This is all covered in the Twitter Terms of Service you agreed to when you sign up. You’re meant to read these before you tick the box that says you did, but almost no one does.

注册时您同意的Twitter服务条款中均包含所有内容。 您必须先勾选这些内容,然后再勾选说您做了的方框,但几乎没有人这样做。

For this discussion, here’s the relevant section:


”You retain your rights to any Content you submit, post or display on or through the Services. What’s yours is yours — you own your Content (and your photos and videos are part of the Content).

”您保留对在服务上或通过服务提交,发布或显示的任何内容的权利。 您所拥有的就是您的-您拥有自己的内容(而照片和视频是内容的一部分)。

By submitting, posting or displaying Content on or through the Services, you grant us a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free license (with the right to sublicense) to use, copy, reproduce, process, adapt, modify, publish, transmit, display and distribute such Content in any and all media or distribution methods (now known or later developed). This license authorizes us to make your Content available to the rest of the world and to let others do the same.”

通过在“服务”上或通过“服务”提交,发布或显示“内容”,即表示您授予我们全球性,非排他性,免版税的许可(具有分许可的权利),以使用,复制,复制,处理,改编,修改,发布,传输,以任何和所有媒体或分发方法(已知或以后开发)显示和分发此类内容。 该许可授权我们向世界其他地区提供您的内容,并允许其他人也可以这样做。”

So what does all this mean? Well first, Twitter acknowledges your copyright: “What’s your is yours.” They then go on to outline the terms of the license you grant them to use anything you post on Twitter.

那么,这意味着什么? 首先,Twitter承认您的版权:“您的是您的。” 然后,他们继续概述您授予他们使用您在Twitter上发布的任何内容的许可条款。

人们可以在任何想要的地方使用Twitter的工具嵌入您的推文 (People Can Embed Your Tweets with Twitter’s Tools Anywhere They Want)

However, there’s a bit of a loophole here that still allows anyone to publish your tweets on their web site. As long as someone is using Twitter’s tools to share your content, they’re free to do it. Later in the Terms of Service Twitter states:

但是,这里仍有一些漏洞,仍然允许任何人在其网站上发布您的tweet。 只要有人使用Twitter的工具来共享您的内容,他们就可以*地做到这一点。 Twitter稍后在服务条款中指出:

Twitter has an evolving set of rules for how ecosystem partners can interact with your Content on the Services. These rules exist to enable an open ecosystem with your rights in mind. You understand that we may modify or adapt your Content as it is distributed, syndicated, published, or broadcast by us and our partners and/or make changes to your Content in order to adapt the Content to different media. You represent and warrant that you have all the rights, power and authority necessary to grant the rights granted herein to any Content that you submit.

Twitter对于生态系统合作伙伴如何与服务上的内容进行交互具有一系列不断发展的规则。 这些规则的存在是为了实现一个开放的生态系统,并牢记您的权利。 您了解,我们可能会在我们和我们的合作伙伴分发,联合,发布或广播您的内容时对其进行修改或改编,和/或对您的内容进行更改,以使内容适应不同的媒体。 您声明并保证您拥有将此处授予的权利授予您提交的任何内容所必需的所有权利,权力和权力。

This means anyone can Retweet or Quote your Tweet without your permission, as it’s part of the service that Twitter provides. Where it gets more interesting is with Twitter embeds, like the Tweet below.

这意味着任何人都可以在未经您许可的情况下转推或引用您的推文,因为这是Twitter提供的服务的一部分。 Twitter嵌入变得更有趣,例如下面的Tweet。

We have nothing to fear but fear itself, flies who look like they're plotting to take over the world and jellyfish.


— Justin High Sierra (@HarryGuinness) June 6, 2017

—贾斯汀·高西拉(@HarryGuinness) 2017年6月6日

This Tweet is still technically on Twitter because it’s using their tools to display it, and pulling all the information directly from their service. It might appear on How-To Geek, but only because WordPress uses Twitter’s tools to display it. In this situation, both WordPress and How-To Geek are “ecosystem partners”.

从技术上讲该Tweet仍在Twitter上,因为它使用其工具来显示它,并直接从其服务中提取所有信息。 它可能出现在How-To Geek上,但这仅是因为WordPress使用Twitter的工具来显示它。 在这种情况下,WordPress和How-To Geek都是“生态系统合作伙伴”。

Any website that uses Twitter’s embed API to display your Tweets is free to do so. The only way to stop it happening, is to turn your account to private or delete the original Tweet. If you delete it, it will disappear from any embeds on other sites as well.

任何使用Twitter的embed API来显示您的Tweets的网站都是免费的。 阻止这种情况发生的唯一方法是将您的帐户设为私有或删除原始的Tweet 。 如果删除它,它也会从其他站点上的任何嵌入中消失。

While anyone can republish your Tweets, either by Retweeting them on Twitter or using Twitter’s embed function on other websites, they can’t do what they want with them, or use them without using Twitter’s tools. The Washington Post was found to have infringed on a photographer’s copyright when they took his photos from his Twitter feed and posted them on their website.

尽管任何人都可以通过在Twitter上转发或在其他网站上使用Twitter的嵌入功能来重新发布您的Tweet,但他们无法做自己想要的事情,或者不使用Twitter的工具就可以使用它们。 当他们从Twitter提要中拍摄照片并将其发布在他们的网站上时,发现《华盛顿邮报》侵犯了摄影师的版权


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