从Internet Explorer 9 Beta还原回IE 8

If you’ve been trying out the public beta of Internet Explorer 9, you might want to revert back to IE 8 for some reason. Here we look at how to uninstall IE 9 and get IE 8 back.

如果您一直在尝试Internet Explorer 9的公开测试版,则出于某些原因,您可能希望恢复到IE 8。 在这里,我们研究如何卸载IE 9并重新获得IE 8。

卸载IE 9 Beta (Uninstall IE 9 Beta)

First type appwiz.cpl into the Search box in the Start Menu and hit Enter which will open Programs and Features. Alternately you can open the Start Menu \ Control Panel \ Programs and Features.

首先,在“开始”菜单的“搜索”框中键入appwiz.cpl ,然后按Enter,这将打开“程序和功能”。 或者,您可以打开“开始”菜单\“控制面板” \“程序和功能”。

从Internet Explorer 9 Beta还原回IE 8

Now in Programs and Features click View installed updates located on the left pane.

现在,在“程序和功能”中,单击左窗格中的“ 查看已安装的更新”

从Internet Explorer 9 Beta还原回IE 8

Then find Windows Internet Explorer 9, right-click, and uninstall.

然后找到Windows Internet Explorer 9,右键单击并卸载。

从Internet Explorer 9 Beta还原回IE 8

Yes we’re sure…


从Internet Explorer 9 Beta还原回IE 8

Then a restart is require to complete the uninstall process.


从Internet Explorer 9 Beta还原回IE 8

This will restore you back to IE 8 and you will need to go through the process of setting it up again.

这将使您恢复到IE 8,并且您将需要重新进行设置。

从Internet Explorer 9 Beta还原回IE 8

If you tried out IE 9 and aren’t happy with it or have proprietary software in the office that doesn’t work with it yet, reverting back to IE 8 is a simple process.

如果您试用了IE 9,但对它感到不满意,或者在办公室中尚不能使用它的专有软件,则恢复到IE 8的过程很简单。

For more on Internet Explorer 9 check out our screenshot tour.

有关Internet Explorer 9的更多信息, 请查看我们的屏幕快照浏览

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/29112/revert-back-to-ie-8-from-internet-explorer-9-beta/