outlook 日历共享_在Outlook 2003 / Exchange环境*享日历

outlook 日历共享_在Outlook 2003 / Exchange环境*享日历

outlook 日历共享

If you would like better communication with your co-workers here is a quick tip on sharing your calendar in Outlook. This will only work if you are using an Exchange Server e-mail account, typically something you’d be using in a corporate environment.

如果您想与同事更好地沟通,这里是在Outlook*享日历的快速提示。 仅当您使用Exchange Server电子邮件帐户(通常是在公司环境中使用的帐户)时,这才起作用。

To share your calendar, open your calendar in Outlook and in the Navigation Pane click on “Share My Calendar”.


outlook 日历共享_在Outlook 2003 / Exchange环境*享日历

In this window click on the Permissions tab. This is where you decide who on your network will have access and what rights they will have. If you want to share with anyone just click on Default and choose the permission level. Each level allows or denies various editing rights. You can check out more information on Permission Levels at the Microsoft Office Site

在此窗口中,单击“权限”选项卡。 在这里,您可以决定网络上的谁将有权访问以及他们将拥有哪些权利。 如果要与任何人共享,只需单击默认,然后选择权限级别。 每个级别允许或拒绝各种编辑权限。 您可以在Microsoft Office网站上查看有关权限级别的更多信息。

outlook 日历共享_在Outlook 2003 / Exchange环境*享日历

If you would rather choose individuals on your network whom you want to share your calendar with just click on the Add.. button and choose the individuals or departments you want to grant sharing to.  Click OK and you are now sharing your Outlook Calendar.

如果您希望在网络上选择要共享日历的个人,只需单击“ 添加..”按钮,然后选择要向其授予共享的个人或部门。 单击“ 确定” ,您现在正在共享Outlook日历。

outlook 日历共享_在Outlook 2003 / Exchange环境*享日历

This tip is intended for the business or home office environment where it is assumed you are running Exchange Server.

本技巧适用于假定您正在运行Exchange Server的商业或家庭办公环境。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/microsoft-office/share-your-calendar-in-outlook-2003-exchange-environment/

outlook 日历共享