reader3好的rss源_如何将您的Google Reader RSS提要导入Outlook

reader3好的rss源_如何将您的Google Reader RSS提要导入Outlook


reader3好的rss源_如何将您的Google Reader RSS提要导入Outlook

There are plenty of articles about Google Reader alternatives, but did you know you can use your favorite email client to read your RSS feeds as well?


如何将您的Google Reader RSS提要导入Outlook (How to Import Your Google Reader RSS Feeds into Outlook)

The first thing you will need to do is export your feeds. You can do so by heading over to this link, then clicking on the Create Archive button.

您需要做的第一件事是导出供稿。 您可以通过转到此链接 ,然后单击“创建存档”按钮来执行此操作。

reader3好的rss源_如何将您的Google Reader RSS提要导入Outlook

Then click the Download button.


reader3好的rss源_如何将您的Google Reader RSS提要导入Outlook

Once the file has finished downloading, head into the ZIP file and copy the subscriptions.xml file to a safe place on your computer so that we can use it later.


reader3好的rss源_如何将您的Google Reader RSS提要导入Outlook

Then open Outlook and right-click on the RSS feeds section and select “Import an OPML File…” from the context menu.

然后打开Outlook,右键单击RSS feed部分,然后从上下文菜单中选择“导入OPML文件…”。

reader3好的rss源_如何将您的Google Reader RSS提要导入Outlook

Now click the browse button and use the file picker to find that subscriptions.xml file we copied earlier, then click next.


reader3好的rss源_如何将您的Google Reader RSS提要导入Outlook

You will then be presented with a list of all the feeds and given the chance to either individually select the feeds you want, or to import them all.


reader3好的rss源_如何将您的Google Reader RSS提要导入Outlook

That’s all there is to it.


reader3好的rss源_如何将您的Google Reader RSS提要导入Outlook

