facebook 分享页面_Facebook个人资料,页面和组之间有什么区别?

facebook 分享页面_Facebook个人资料,页面和组之间有什么区别?

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facebook 分享页面_Facebook个人资料,页面和组之间有什么区别?

Facebook is used by a lot of different people for a lot of different things, so it’s only natural that Facebook would have different sets of features for each of them. There are three main ways you can use Facebook: with a regular Profile, as a Page, or as a Group admin. Let’s look at what each is for.

Facebook被许多不同的人用于许多不同的事情,因此,Facebook对每个人都有不同的功能集是很自然的。 使用Facebook的主要方法有三种:使用常规个人资料,页面或组管理员。 让我们看看它们各自的作用。

Facebook个人资料 (Facebook Profiles)

facebook 分享页面_Facebook个人资料,页面和组之间有什么区别?

A Facebook Profile is what you probably think of when someone mentions Facebook. It’s a personal account for one person that’s (meant to be) in their real name.

当有人提到Facebook时,您可能会想到Facebook个人资料。 这是一个(真实存在的)真实姓名的个人帐户。

With a Facebook Profile, you can:


  • Connect with people by adding them as Friends or Following them (although you are limited to a maximum of 5000).

  • Share statuses, photos, videos, links, and so on with your Friends and Followers.

  • Post comments and share things on your Friends’ accounts or message them privately through Facebook Messenger.

    发表评论并在朋友的帐户上共享内容,或通过Facebook Messenger私下发送消息。
  • Like Pages and join Groups.

  • Set up your own Pages and Groups.


There are obviously a lot more features, but that’s a broad overview of the main ones.


Although you will see some people set up Profiles for their businesses or some other purpose, it’s frowned upon by Facebook. A Profile is for a real person, not a shop.

尽管您会看到有些人为自己的业务或其他目的设置了个人资料,但Facebook对此并不满意。 个人资料适用于真实的人,而不适用于商店。

Facebook专页 (Facebook Pages)

facebook 分享页面_Facebook个人资料,页面和组之间有什么区别?

A Page is similar to a Profile except it can be for anything—not just people. There are Pages dedicated to everything from famous authors to local secondhand car dealerships and circus troupes to fan fiction. How-To Geek has a Facebook Page where we share our best articles, along with geeky comics and other fun stuff.

页面与个人资料相似,不同之处在于它可以用于任何事物,而不仅仅是个人。 从著名作家到本地二手车经销店,马戏团到歌迷小说,Pages致力于所有内容。 《 How-To Geek》有一个Facebook页面,我们在其中分享我们的最佳文章以及令人讨厌的漫画和其他有趣的东西。

If you’re looking to set up some sort of Facebook presence for your business, artwork, superhero alter ego, or even a more professional presence for yourself, a Page is what you’re looking for.


With a Facebook Page, you can:


  • Have people connect with you by Liking the Page.

  • Share posts that your Followers will see.

  • Comment on posts on your own page.

  • Respond to messages sent to your Page.

  • Run advertising campaigns.


Again, there are other features but those are the most important ones.


You need your own personal Facebook Profile to set up a Facebook Page, although you don’t need the information to be public.


Facebook群组 (Facebook Groups)

facebook 分享页面_Facebook个人资料,页面和组之间有什么区别?

A Facebook Group is closer to a community forum than either a Profile or Page. Depending on how the Group is set up, it can be open to anyone on Facebook or just a chosen few. Most Groups are for people who share a common interest or are members of a club.

Facebook组比“个人资料”或“页面”更接近社区论坛。 根据组的设置方式,它可以向Facebook上的任何人开放,也可以只向少数几个人开放。 大多数小组是为拥有共同利益或俱乐部会员的人而设计的。

With a Facebook Group, members can:


  • Post things to the Group.

  • Comment on Group posts and interact with other members.

  • Sell things.


You need a personal Facebook Profile to set up a Facebook Group, and the fact you are an admin will be public information.


您应该使用哪一个? (Which One Should You Use?)

If you want to do anything on Facebook, you need a Profile. It’s the table stakes. It’s best to set a Profile up in your real name, even if you’ve no intention of using it for more than administering your Pages and Groups. If Facebook finds out you’re using a pseudonym, your account could be blocked.

如果您想在Facebook上做任何事情,则需要一个个人资料。 这是赌注。 最好以您的真实姓名设置个人资料,即使您无意仅将其用于管理页面和群组。 如果Facebook发现您使用的是化名,则您的帐户可能被阻止。

If you want to set up a way for your business to connect with people, then you need a Facebook Page. If you’ve got a physical business, you can list its location and opening hours. If you’re a service provider like a photographer or band, it’s a way for people to contact you.

如果您想为企业建立人与人之间的联系方式,则需要一个Facebook页面。 如果您经营实体店,则可以列出其位置和营业时间。 如果您是摄影师或乐队之类的服务提供商,那么这就是人们联系您的一种方式。

If you’re trying to build a community or manage a club, you want a Facebook Group. Everyone is on pretty much equal footing and able to interact with each other.

如果您想建立社区或管理俱乐部,则需要一个Facebook组。 每个人都处于平等的地位,并且能够相互交流。

You can also have multiple Pages and Groups and even have some overlap in purpose. We have a How-To Geek page, but if we wanted a Group for superfans to discuss our articles, we could create one as well. There’s no reason to limit yourself to just one of these things.

您也可以有多个页面和组,甚至在目的上有一些重叠。 我们有一个How-To Geek页面,但是如果我们想让超级粉丝小组讨论我们的文章,我们也可以创建一个。 没有理由将自己限制为其中之一。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/322718/what’s-the-difference-between-a-facebook-profile-page-and-group/

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