我的计算机中的“ Web文件夹”图标是什么以及如何删除它?

After installing a bunch of software required for work, I noticed that I had a new icon under “My” Computer that I hadn’t noticed before. What is this Web Folders icon, and how do I get rid of it?

安装了一堆工作所需的软件后,我注意到我以前从未注意到的“我的”计算机下有一个新图标。 这个Web文件夹图标是什么,我如何摆脱它?

Web Folders is a component that allows you to connect to WebDAV or SharePoint servers and access or modify files on them. If you don’t use those features or don’t use the icon, then there’s really no point in letting it waste space, so we’ll just remove it with a quick registry hack.

Web文件夹是允许您连接到WebDAV或SharePoint服务器并访问或修改其中的文件的组件。 如果您不使用这些功能或不使用该图标,那么让它浪费空间确实没有任何意义,因此我们将通过快速的注册表**将其删除。

我的计算机中的“ Web文件夹”图标是什么以及如何删除它?

Manual Registry Hack


Open up regedit.exe through the start menu search or run box, and then browse down to the following key:


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\                  CurrentVersion\explorer\MyComputer\NameSpace

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ explorer \ MyComputer \ NameSpace

我的计算机中的“ Web文件夹”图标是什么以及如何删除它?

Below that key you will find a key with the name {BDEADF00-C265-11D0-BCED-00A0C90AB50F}, and all you have to do is delete it, preferably after exporting a copy of the key just in case.


Hit refresh in Computer and you’ll see that the icon is gone. To restore it, use the download below.

在“计算机”中单击“刷新”,您将看到该图标消失了。 要还原它,请使用下面的下载。

Download Registry Hack


Just download, extract, and double-click on RemoveWebFolders.reg to enter the information into the registry. The icon should now be gone. To restore, just use the RestoreWebFolders.reg file instead.

只需下载,解压缩并双击RemoveWebFolders.reg,即可将信息输入注册表。 图标现在应该消失了。 要还原,只需使用RestoreWebFolders.reg文件即可。

Download RemoveWebFolders Registry Hack


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/what-is-this-web-folders-icon-in-my-computer-and-how-do-i-remove-it/