

Clearing your history from time to time shouldn’t be misconstrued as sneaky. It’s actually just a good practice to undertake. Over the course of time, you’re going to visit hundreds or even thousands of websites on your computer or smartphone. Not all these websites will necessarily be ones you’ll visit repeatedly. Some you may visit by accident or out of curiosity.

不时清除历史记录不应被误认为是偷偷摸摸的。 实际上,这只是一种很好的做法。 随着时间的流逝,您将要在计算机或智能手机*问数百甚至数千个网站。 并非所有这些网站都一定是您会反复访问的网站。 您可能出于偶然或出于好奇而拜访了一些人。

When all is said and done however, you don’t want to have these websites hanging around for the rest of eternity. If you ever share your iPhone or iPad with a friend or family member, you probably don’t want them to see your browsing history. Even if you don’t have anything to be ashamed of, you may just be privacy conscious.

当一切都说完之后,您就不想让这些网站在永恒的余生中闲逛。 如果您曾经与朋友或家人共享iPhone或iPad,则可能不希望他们看到您的浏览历史记录。 即使您没有什么可羞耻的,您也可能只是出于隐私意识。

Chances are you do a lot of browsing on your iPhone or iPad, in fact it may be your go-to device for browsing. So, it stands to reason that you may have a pretty extensive history racked up on them.

您可能会在iPhone或iPad上进行大量浏览,实际上,它可能是您浏览的首选设备。 因此,可以说您可能拥有一段相当广泛的历史。

To clear your history from either of these devices, first open the Settings and tap on “Safari”.

要从这两种设备之一清除历史记录,请先打开“设置”,然后点击“ Safari”。


Once you’re in the Safari settings, tap the link “Clear History and Website Data” at the bottom.



You’ll be presented with a popup warning you that this action will clear your history, cookies, and other browsing data from this and any other devices (iPads too) signed into your iCloud account. Go ahead and tap “Clear History and Data” and everything will be erased.

系统会弹出一个警告窗口,警告您此操作将清除您的历史记录,Cookie和其他登录到iCloud帐户的设备(也包括iPad)的历史数据。 继续并点击“清除历史记录和数据”,所有内容将被删除。


That’s all there is to it, all your browsing data will be swept into nothing and you can let anyone borrow your iPhone without any fear of them seeing what you’ve been up to.


Remember also, this will extend to your other iCloud-connected devices so you’ll be able to clear everything from one device in a single go.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/246726/how-to-clear-your-browsing-history-in-safari-for-ios/