对话框xp模板_在Windows XP中从“运行”对话框中清除最近的命令

对话框xp模板_在Windows XP中从“运行”对话框中清除最近的命令


Has it ever bothered you that there isn’t an obvious way to remove the previous items in the Run box in Windows? It’s often very useful, of course… but if you are just a little bit paranoid you might want to clean out that list on occasion.

是否曾经困扰您,没有明显的方法可以删除Windows中“运行”框中的先前项目? 当然,它通常非常有用……但是,如果您有点偏执,您可能需要偶尔清理该列表。

Of course there are many cleaner applications that will do this for you, but we’ll explain how to do it manually.


对话框xp模板_在Windows XP中从“运行”对话框中清除最近的命令

Clear Recent Run Dialog Entries Through Regedit


Open up regedit.exe through the start menu run box, and then navigate down to the following key:



HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ RunMRU

对话框xp模板_在Windows XP中从“运行”对话框中清除最近的命令

You’ll see all your recent commands on the right, and you can delete any of the keys that contain your commands. You’ll have to logoff and then back on, but the list should be clean.

您将在右侧看到所有最近的命令,并且可以删除包含命令的任何键。 您必须先注销然后再重新启动,但是列表应该干净。

Note that this will also work for Windows Vista’s Run dialog, although most people have switched to using the search box instead.

请注意,尽管大多数人已改用搜索框,但它也适用于Windows Vista的“运行”对话框。

Completely Clear Recent Run Dialog Entries The Easier Way


Reader Ayush pointed out a much more easy solution that this registry hack-happy geek overlooked.


Right-click on the taskbar and choose Properties, then choose Start Menu.


对话框xp模板_在Windows XP中从“运行”对话框中清除最近的命令

Select the “Classic Start menu” option, and choose the Customize button. (Don’t worry, we’ll cancel out of the dialogs so you can keep the XP menu style)

选择“经典开始菜单”选项,然后选择“自定义”按钮。 (不用担心,我们将取消对话框的显示,因此您可以保留XP菜单样式)

Now just click the Clear button to remove all of the recent documents and applications from the start menu.


对话框xp模板_在Windows XP中从“运行”对话框中清除最近的命令

Once you’ve done that, hit Cancel and then Cancel again to make sure you don’t switch to the Classic Start menu.


Note that this method will clear out everything… so if you just want to remove a single entry you need to use the registry hack method.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows/clear-recent-commands-from-the-run-dialog-in-windows-xp/
