如何停止Windows 10自动清空回收站

如何停止Windows 10自动清空回收站

Windows 10’s Storage Sense feature automatically runs when you’re low on disk space. It automatically deletes files more than 30 days old in your Recycle Bin, too. This was on by default on a PC running the May 2019 Update.

当磁盘空间不足时,Windows 10的Storage Sense功能将自动运行。 它还会自动删除回收站中超过30天的文件。 默认情况下,这是在运行May 2019 Update的PC上打开的。

This is a useful feature! If your computer is low on disk space, you probably want more. Windows will clear old files out of your Recycle Bin. You shouldn’t be storing files in your Recycle Bin, anyway. But, if you want to stop Windows from doing this automatically, you can.

这是一个有用的功能! 如果您的计算机磁盘空间不足,则可能需要更多。 Windows将从您的回收站中清除旧文件。 无论如何,您都不应该将文件存储在回收站中。 但是,如果要停止Windows自动执行此操作,则可以。

To find these options, head to Settings > System > Storage. You can press Windows+I to open the Settings window quickly.

要找到这些选项,请转到设置>系统>存储。 您可以按Windows + I快速打开“设置”窗口。

If you’d like to stop Storage Sense from doing anything automatically, you can flip the Storage Sense switch to “Off” here. To configure Storage Sense further, click “Configure Storage Sense or run it now.”

如果要停止Storage Sense自动执行任何操作,可以在此处将Storage Sense开关拨至“关”。 要进一步配置Storage Sense,请单击“配置Storage Sense或立即运行”。

如何停止Windows 10自动清空回收站

The “Run Storage Sense” box lets you control when Windows 10 runs Storage Sense automatically. By default, it runs “During low free disk space.” You could also have it run every day, every week, or every month.

通过“运行Storage Sense”框,您可以控制Windows 10何时自动运行Storage Sense。 默认情况下,它在“可用磁盘空间不足期间”运行。 您也可以每天,每周或每月运行它。

如何停止Windows 10自动清空回收站

To stop Storage Sense from automatically deleting files in your Recycle Bin, click the “Delete files in my recycle bin if they have been there for over” box under Temporary Files and select “Never.” By default, Storage Sense will delete files that have been in your Recycle Bin for over 30 days.

要阻止Storage Sense自动删除回收站中的文件,请单击“临时文件”下的“如果我的回收站中的文件已删除,请删除它们”,然后选择“从不”。 默认情况下,Storage Sense将删除回收站中已存在30天以上的文件。

如何停止Windows 10自动清空回收站

The “Delete files in my Downloads folder if they have been there for over” box will let Storage Sense automatically delete files from your Downloads folder. This option was off by default on our PC, however.

“如果我的下载文件夹已经存放在我的下载文件夹中,请删除它们”框中的复选框将使Storage Sense自动从“下载”文件夹中删除文件。 但是,此选项在我们的PC上默认为关闭。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/419264/how-to-stop-windows-10-from-automatically-emptying-your-recycle-bin/