magento 赠品_SSLmatic:高质量,廉价的SSL证书和赠品!

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magento 赠品_SSLmatic:高质量,廉价的SSL证书和赠品!

If you develop eCommerce websites or create applications that request sensitive user information, you're probably well aware of the advantages of using SSL certificates. For those that haven't, SSL certificates:

如果您开发电子商务网站或创建要求敏感用户信息的应用程序,则您可能很清楚使用SSL证书的优势。 对于那些还没有的人,SSL证书:

  • Encrypt data between the user's browser and the web server.

  • Provide peace of mind to users giving their information.

  • Are required by credit card companies for vendors accepting credit card payment (even for vendors that have a website WITHOUT eCommerce.


Purchasing a SSL certificate can be quite an investment. Many vendors charge up to $400 per certificate. That's right: $400! Peace of mind and security are important but that doesn't mean that SSL certificates should put a dent in your budget. Enter a great SSL certificate vendor called SSLmatic.

购买SSL证书可能是一笔很大的投资。 许多供应商对每张证书收取的费用最高为$ 400。 没错: $ 400美元 ! 安心和安全性很重要,但这并不意味着SSL证书会减少您的预算。 输入一个很棒的SSL证书供应商,称为SSLmatic

SSLmatic provides cheap SSL certificates for as low as $20/year. You'd think that for that cost you'd get a no-name, generic certificate but that's not the case. SSLmatic provides SSL certificates for some of the web's largest SSL vendors:

SSLmatic提供低至20美元/年的廉价SSL证书 。 您可能会以为这笔费用会获得无名称的通用证书,但事实并非如此。 SSLmatic为某些网络上最大的SSL供应商提供SSL证书:

Provider Regular Price/Year SSLmatic Price
RapidSSL $80 $19.99
GeoTrust $299 $99.99
Verisign $399 $349.99
提供者 正常价格/年 SSLmatic价格
RapidSSL $ 80 $ 19.99
GeoTrust $ 299 $ 99.99
威瑞信 $ 399 $ 349.99

SSLmatic also simplifies the SSL certificate request process. Here's how it works:

SSLmatic还简化了SSL证书请求过程。 运作方式如下:

magento 赠品_SSLmatic:高质量,廉价的SSL证书和赠品!

Already have a security certificate? No problem! SSLmatic also offers renewal certificates. As always SSLmatic allows you to lock in your SSL certificate for just one year or up to five years. For more information on specific policies, check out the SSLmatic website.

已经有安全证书? 没问题! SSLmatic还提供续订证书。 与往常一样,SSLmatic允许您将SSL证书锁定仅一年或最多五年。 有关特定策略的更多信息, 请访问SSLmatic网站

SSLmatic asked me to try their service and it was by far the easiest non-hosting-provider-forces-you-to-use-them-so-they-hold-you-hostage SSL certificate process I've ever completed. I answered a couple quick questions, provided SSLmatic a CSR, and in no-time I had my SSL certificate waiting for me in my inbox. From there I was able to navigate to my Plesk administrative panel, plug in my SSL certificate, and I was done. No hassle -- just plug and play. Sweet!

SSLmatic要求我尝试他们的服务,这是迄今为止我使用过的最简单的非托管提供商强制他们使用它们,因此他们可以托管您的SSL证书过程。 我回答了几个简短的问题,向SSLmatic提供了CSR,并且没有时间,我的SSL证书在收件箱中等待着我。 从那里,我能够导航到我的Plesk管理面板,插入我的SSL证书,然后就完成了。 无需麻烦-即插即用。 甜!

SSLmatic SSL证书赠品! 是的-免费RapidSSL证书! (SSLmatic SSL Certificate Giveaway! Yep -- Free RapidSSL Certificates!)

SSLmatic would like five David Walsh Blog readers to give their service a shot. Want to be one of the chosen five? Easy and fun. In a comment below, post your favorite actor/actress' name with "FTW" after it. For example:

SSLmatic希望五位David Walsh Blog读者提供他们的服务。 想要成为五种选择之一吗? 简单而有趣。 在下面的评论中,在您喜欢的演员姓名后加上“ FTW”。 例如:

Christina Ricci FTW!

Winners will be chosen at random and posted Friday. Thank you to SSLmatic for this opportunity and good luck to everyone that comments!

获奖者将被随机选择,并在周五公布。 感谢SSLmatic的这次机会, 并祝所有发表评论的人好运!


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