windows快速ip切换_如何在Windows 7日历中快速切换到不同的月份或年份

windows快速ip切换_如何在Windows 7日历中快速切换到不同的月份或年份


windows快速ip切换_如何在Windows 7日历中快速切换到不同的月份或年份

Windows 7 gives the ability to quickly pull up a calendar from the taskbar by clicking on the time. What you may not know is that you can also quickly jump to dates in different months and years.

Windows 7提供了通过单击时间从任务栏快速拉起日历的功能。 您可能不知道的是,您也可以快速跳转到不同月份和年份的日期。

In order to see the options for jumping straight to a month, year, or decade all you have to do is click on the banner that indicates your current view.


windows快速ip切换_如何在Windows 7日历中快速切换到不同的月份或年份

Your view will cycle from month to year to decade but will stop at the decade view.


windows快速ip切换_如何在Windows 7日历中快速切换到不同的月份或年份

To go backwards you can click on whatever month, year, or decade you want to zoom into. If you want to zoom back into the current date you can also just hit enter on your keyboard because the current year and month are selected by default.

要向后移动,可以单击要放大的任意月份,年份或十年。 如果您想放大到当前日期,您也可以按键盘上的Enter键,因为默认情况下会选择当前年份和月份。

windows快速ip切换_如何在Windows 7日历中快速切换到不同的月份或年份

To quickly jump to the current date click on the link at the top of the window.


windows快速ip切换_如何在Windows 7日历中快速切换到不同的月份或年份

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