

如何获得包括非客户区域的窗体的总高度?大小似乎不适用于我的窗口(FormBorderStyle = FixedToolWindow,如果有帮助)。获取包含非客户区域的窗体的总高度?



如果`FormBorderStyle`是`FixedToolWindow`,那么我不认为`DesktopBounds`比`Size`提供更好的答案。如果启用Aero,我认为这两者都不正确。 – 2013-11-21 23:47:44



[DllImport("dwmapi.dll", PreserveSig = false)] 
public static extern bool DwmIsCompositionEnabled(); 

// When Aero is enabled, and our FormBorderStyle is FixedToolWindow, 
// Windows will lie to us about our size and position. 
public bool AeroIsMessingWithUs() 
    bool ret = false; 

    // check for other Fixed styles here if needed 
    if (FormBorderStyle == System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.FixedToolWindow) 
     if (Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major >= 6 && DwmIsCompositionEnabled()) 
      // Aero is enabled 
      ret = true; 
    return ret; 

public int MyWindowHeight() 
    int height = Height; 
    if (AeroIsMessingWithUs()) 
     // there are actually 5 more pixels on the top and bottom 
     height += 10; 
    return height; 

public int MyWindowWidth() 
    int width = Width; 
    if (AeroIsMessingWithUs()) 
     // there are 5 more pixels on the left and right 
     width += 10; 
    return width; 