


$colFormats[] = [ 
    'index'  => 'actions', 
    'name'  => 'actions', 
    'width'  => 70, 
    'editable' => false, 
    'formatter' => 'show_btn', 
    'sortable' => false, 
    'align'  => 'center' 

foreach ($classMedata->getFieldNames() as $key => $value) { 
    $colFormats[] = [ 
     'index' => $classMedata->getCollection().'.'.$value, 
     'name' => $value, 
     'width' => 100, 

return $this->render('IntegrationBundle:api-logs:index.html.twig', [ 
     'colFormats' => json_encode($colFormats), 
     'colNames' => json_encode($colNames), 


<script type="text/javascript"> 
    var show_btn = function (cellVal, options, rowObject) { 
     return '<input style="height:22px;" type="button" value="Show" onclick="" />'; 

    $(function() { 
      url: '/sf/api-logs', 
      datatype: "json", 
      colNames: {{ colNames|raw }}, 
      colModel: {{ colFormats|raw }}, 
      width: 980, 
      height: 300, 
      pager: "#gridpager", 
      toppager: true, 
      hoverrows: true, 
      shrinkToFit: true, 
      autowidth: true, 
      rownumbers: true, 
      viewrecords: true, 
      rowList: [10, 20, 50, 100], 
      data: [], 
      rownumWidth: 50, 
      sortable: true, 
      jsonReader: { 
       root: 'rows', 
       page: 'page', 
       total: 'total', 
       records: 'records', 
       cell: '', 
       repeatitems: false 
      loadComplete: function (data) { 
       if (data.records === 0) { 
        $("#load_grid").addClass("info_msg").html($("<span>", { 
         "class": "grid-empty", 
         "text": "No results were found." 


colNames: ["Actions", "ID", "Object", ...], 
colModel: [{ 
    "index": "actions", 
    "name": "actions", 
    "width": 70, 
    "editable": false, 
    "formatter": "show_btn", 
    "sortable": false, 
    "align": "center" 
{"index": "ApiLogs.id", "name": "id", "width": 100}, 
{"index": "ApiLogs.dataObject","name": "dataObject","width": 100}, ... 


我已阅读the docsthis post,我想我做得对,但这不是因为上面解释的问题。


请在约jqGrid的所有问题,包括有关**的版本信息**的jqGrid和大约**叉**([免费的jqGrid] (https://github.com/free-jqgrid/jqGrid),商业版[Guriddo jqGrid JS](http://guriddo.net/?page_id=103334)或旧版/复古版jqGrid版本 Oleg

格式化程序最舒适的形式是字符串形式,如formatter: "myFormatter"。你知道"predefined formatters"就像formatter: "integer",formatter: "date"等等。我建议你将的寄存器作为“预定义的格式化程序”,并将其设置在后端。


$.fn.fmatter.myFormatter = function (cellValue, options, rowData, addOrEdit) { 
    // the code of formatter (the same as the custom formatter) 
    return '<input style="height:22px;" type="button" value="Show" />'; 
$.fn.fmatter.myFormatter.unformat = function (cellValue, options, elem) { 
    // the code of unformatter, like 
    // return $(elem).text(); 

谢谢你的工作 – ReynierPM


@ReynierPM:不客气! – Oleg


如果我想使用网格中的参数进行操作,那么该怎么办?让我们说你在响应中看到的'ApiLogs.id'?你能把这个添加到你的答案吗? – ReynierPM