In mathematics, a hypergraph is a generalization of a graph in which an edge can join any number of vertices. Formally, a hypergraph is a pair where is a set of elements called nodes or vertices, and is a set of non-empty subsets of called hyperedges or edges.
While graph edges are pairs of nodes, hyperedges are arbitrary sets of nodes, and can therefore contain an arbitrary number of nodes. However, it is often desirable to study hypergraphs where all hyperedges have the same cardinality; a k-uniform hypergraph is a hypergraph such that all its hyperedges have size k. (In other words, one such hypergraph is a collection of sets, each such set a hyperedge connecting k nodes.) So a 2-uniform hypergraph is a graph, a 3-uniform hypergraph is a collection of unordered triples, and so on.
虽然明白了一些,但感觉不是很直观。每个边所包含的顶点个数都是相同且为k个的,就可以被称为k阶超图。2阶超图就是我们平时所见到的图,因为我们平时的图由线条(edge,边)和点(vertice,顶点)构成,每条线都只包含两个点,所以这是符合2阶超图的定义的。那么我这个理解是否是正确的呢?我去找一些可以表示三阶超图的概念图,最终在南加州大学Joshua Cooper的讲稿上找到一张图: