


UPDATE! Hangout #1 is complete, thanks for everyone who showed up and chatted to us, here is the recording to watch again, news on the next one coming soon.

更新! 环聊#1完成了,感谢大家出现并与我们聊天。这是再次观看的录音,下一个新闻即将发布。


Original post –


Hi everyone,


I’m happy to announce that we would like to start regular Unity developer Google+ hangouts. This will give you a chance to ask developers a question LIVE!

我很高兴地宣布,我们希望发起常规的Unity开发者Google+视频群聊。 这将使您有机会向开发人员实时提问!

The devs answering your questions will be:


  • Corey Johnson – Field Engineer

    科里·约翰逊(Corey Johnson)–现场工程师
  • Emil “AngryAnt” Johansen – Content Developer

    Emil“ AngryAnt” Johansen –内容开发人员
  • Shawn White – Editor Developer

    Shawn White –编辑开发人员
  • Will Goldstone – Content Manager

    Will Goldstone –内容管理员
  • Aurore Dimopoulos – Community Manager

    Aurore Dimopoulos –社区经理

You can post your questions in the comments during the live event. The link will appear on our Google+ page bit.ly/vGwLFY when the event starts and there will be a recording of the hangout on our YouTube channel at a later time.

您可以在现场活动期间在评论中发表您的问题。 活动开始时,该链接将显示在我们的Google+页面bit.ly/vGwLFY上 ,稍后将在我们的YouTube频道上录制此视频群聊。

We realise this is short notice but we are testing the systems and ironing out the kinks before we make this a regular thing. This also means that there is potential for technical difficulties so we ask you in advance to be patient if such a thing happens.

我们意识到这是短时间的通知,但是我们在进行常规测试之前正在测试系统并解决问题。 这也意味着存在技术困难的可能性,因此如果发生这种情况,我们会事先请您耐心等待。

The first hangout will be today – 6th September 2012 at 7pm BST, 2PM EDT check this link for your time zone.

第一次视频群聊将于今天-BST 2012年9月6日晚上7点,美国东部时间下午2点,请检查此链接以获取您的时区。


http://www.timeanddate.com/ worldclock / fixedtime.html?msg = Unity + Developer + Q%26A + Google% 2B + Hangouts +&iso = 20120906T19& p1 = 1352

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2012/09/06/hang-out-with-unity/
